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Identified S.C. 1st National Flag
Item #: OS-7609
We all wish for a Confederate 1stNational Flag that is documented to have been carried in battle, making it in essence, a Confederate Battle Flag. But when one comes along every ten years or so, the price is three or four times as much as an average Confederate States First National Flag. This is because though many 1st, National Flags were carried into battle in the early War, they were relatively speaking, few. The 1stNational was mainly the Confederate Nation Flag. Consequently, the vast majority of 1st, National Flags admired today, were patriotic and were used for sundry reasons such as a parade, a wedding, a funeral, a ball. Though these are great symbols of the South and her people, there is a step up, between this category and a battle flag. These were flags that are thought to be used as marking an enlistment tent, or a captain’s tent, or perhaps a personal tent, when you were so fortunate to have one. These types of flags are generally categorized by their construction, their genuine wear, and their history. For example: Is it light weight to fly? Or is it heavy weight to hang? Does it have any specific history? Is the hoist built for use under high wind, or is it built as merely a sunny day patriot? Have the stitch lines stressed in the wind? And a few other seldom noticed differences. Unfortunately, most flag buyers don’t know the difference, and why should they? But I do, and this is one of those 1stNational Flags that fall into that middle category. Its not built for battle, but its not built for the parlor either. Its not full of shot and shell, but it has honest use and expected soiling. And it has a fascinating history. I first met Private Hall T. McGee, a member of South Carolina Brigadier General Johnson Hagood staff, in 2002. Three years later, Hall McGee and his Confederate flag, portions of his diary and the accompanying photos were published in Collecting the Confederacy, pages 116 through 118. When McGee’s flag was first discovered shortly after the millennium, the flag, the photographs, note and diary were all together. unfortunately, after I sold the group, it was divided up and sold separately. I here present pictures of the other items, and provide a transcript of the diary to show McGhee’s service when he had the flag, but these items do not come with the flag. This offering is for the flag and the records alone. The 25 by 47 inch flag is properly framed and ready to hang. It comes with an analysis report from Textile Preservation Association, Fonda Thomsen, dated 2002, a copy of which is shown in this listing.
Hall T. McGee, the twenty year old son of a prominent Charleston, South Carolina family, enlisted in the Palmetto Guard Artillery on February 28, 1862. The unit was also known as Manigault’s Battery, 18th S. C. Heavy Artillery. This elite Charleston unit served at various points around Charleston, dueled with the Swamp Angel, participated in the Battery Wagner fight and was instrumental in the capture of the U.S. gunboat Isaac P Smith in the Stono River before Private McGee was detached. In December of 1863, Private McGee was assigned by General Johnson Hagood as an aid to Major R. G. Hay of the General’s personal staff. The flag was probably used to mark the tent used as his field office, since he left it and his diary at home when he finally got his wish, and was sent to the line. I shall let Private McGee relate his service with General Hagood in his own words, from his personal diary. H. T. McGee began his diary when the General and his staff departed for the Virginia Army.
The Diary of Hall T. McGee The dates are not bold in the diary, I have made them so to make it easier to follow. This was in the spring of ’64. Grant had just taken command in the east. Grant crossed the river and entered the Wilderness three days after General Hagood and his staff left Charleston S.C. enroute to General Lee in Fredericksburg, Virginia. They arrived in Petersburg just in time to save it from Beast Butler’s assault. I have placed the dates in bold to help the reader keep track of events, they are not in bold in the original text. " May 1, 1864 Gen’l Hagood staff and clerks left Charleston by the N.E. RR at 1 pm. Reached Florence SC at 7 pm, remained there that night sleeping in part of the hotel all of us wrapped in our blankets May 2 Took the cars at 11 am for Wilmington, arrived there in the night at 9 o’clock. Slept in the cars until day light. Crossed the river, spent an hour or 2 in walking about the city - not very much pleasant with the town - small and not very pretty - everything at a most exorbitant price, paid $10.00 for a shave and shampooing. That night we encamped at camp ________ where we found the brigade which had left before us - one regiment the 11th coming after us. Remained at camp until the 4th May when we received orders to report to Gen’l Lee at Fredricksburg. We on the afternoon of the 5th started for Weldon - train containing the 25th regiment and a part of the 21st regiment - soldiers in platform cars. Gen’l Hagood and staff in a passenger car - we traveled quite comfortable. A train had started 6 hours ahead of us containing the largest part of the 21st regiment. 3 trains followed us bringing the 11th, 27th, and 7th battalion forming the entire brigade. On the morning of the 6th while at Wilson (a beautiful village) Gen’l Hagood received a dispatch ordering him to hurry on with his brigade and stop at Petersburg, VA as the enemy was landing at Bermuda Hundreds. Arrived at Petersburg at 8 o’clock on the evening of the 6th to find the city in great excitement. The 21st regiment had been stopped at Petersburg and marched to meet the enemy. Met them at Mrs. Dunn’s field and had an engagement in which we, only 600 strong, drove the Yankees, 5000 strong, back, with the loss of only 21 men killed, wounded. Immediately reported to Maj Gen’l Pickett hdqtrs where we found everything in confusion. Ordered to ration the men at once and marched to meet the Yankees. Maj Hay and self immediately find Capt Reed ACS and officers in route for the 25th regiment who march at once to join the 21st regiment. Capt Stoney Adj.G for Gen’l Hagood left to bring on the rest of the brigade as they arrive. Sleep the night on the piazza of the _________ Hotel. At daylight the 27th arrived and immediately marched through the city with band playing. At 11 o’clock the 11th regiment and 7th battalion arrived - great rejoicing going on in the city at each arrival of troops – streets crowded with anxious ladies who wave handkerchiefs as our tired brigade hasten to the battlefield. Maj Hay CS, Capt Frost ACS and self remain in the city to obtain rations for the brigade. Heavy skirmishing going on all day. At 3 o’clock a battle takes place at Walthall junction - in this affair a heavy loss - we are victorious and Hagood’s brigade wins a name that will last for ages and has given them the name of "the defenders of Petersburg”. The enemy are driven back and we occupy the RR. Maj Hay and self arrive at the battleground at dark and are saddened to hear of the death of Col Dargan of the 21st, Capt Shriner of the staff mortally wounded, Lt Col Pressley of the 25th regiment severely wounded in the arm - Col Graham of the 21st regiment wounded in the leg - the 1st battleground I ever witnessed - particularly impressed with the scene - dead and wounded laying on all sides of the road – wounded begging for water - assist in placing the body of dear Col Dargan in an ambulance to send to Petersburg - after spending hours there returned towards Swift Creek. There we find Dr. Ravenell and Capt Frost, Brelan and Bellinger. About 11 o’clock we cook our first meal since arriving in VA and have eaten a hearty supper of fried bacon and 11:30 o’clock go to sleep on our blankets in the bushes. At 12 o’clock are aroused and ordered to cross over Swift Creek about a half a mile - reason not known, suppose our troops are falling back - next morning Sunday the 8th find our brigade - Bushrod Johnson who being senior brigadier is now in command. All cross Swift Creek and entrenchments being swiftly thrown up. Yankees do not pursue us - return to Petersburg that day to obtain rations - very much pleased with the city which is beautiful, the many handsome homes - all in great glee of our victory - our wounded receive every attention. Capt Stoney improving, some hope of his life. Return to camp that afternoon - Yankees have made their appearance and skirmishing going on.
Monday 9th enemy commence shelling - we compelled to make our camp a half mile further back to the hospital. In the afternoon our brigade sent forward - portion of the 21st and 25th regiments also 11th regiment who cross the Swift Creek bridge and charge the enemy and are defeated and compelled to fall back with a heavy loss. Capt Leroy Hammond and D Hammond killed - quite a number of officers and men - unfortunately we encamped just at the hospital where we saw all the wounded as well as a few of our dead who were being got off. Assisted in laying out the body of poor little Willy Bee and sending it to the city. Many of my friends are brought back wounded, Holmes – Cross – Leno and others. Maj Hay meets a cousin, Hay Hammond who’s mortally wounded - never want to see such horrid sites as witnessed this afternoon ________ bring in Frost and at this time when all in gloom and I fear our battle force can not hold out against the Yankees from 12-15,000 strong. We hear the welcome whistle of the cars which tells us the reinforcements are coming, we feel once more confident. All night the troops coming in and Hoke’s troops pass on to the front - the cowardly Yankees hear it however and also push on to the rear - our troops follow them - the Commissary department returns to the city to obtain wagons and ration and follow the troops - do not succeed until the 11th when we start after the brigade and narrowly escape capture by the Yankee cavalry, who were within 100 yards of us before we discovered our danger and turned back and retreat hastily to the entrenchments beyond Swift Creek and determine with our small party, about 40, not half of us armed, to remain there until authorities could be notified. We act under instruction of Maj Gen’l D H Hill - a GA regiment soon comes up - we retire to our old camp on the 13th. Beauregard (having in the meantime ordered us not to go on) determines to march through by way of Chesterfield (30 miles) to Drewrys Bluff to command his army as he believes the Yankees are threatening it. He gives us permission to accompany and he takes Col Colquilts brigade, cavalry and some artillery along. We start on the afternoon of the 13th it raining very hard all the time. Capt Frost and myself having nothing, agree to foot it. I manage very well for 7 miles when fortunately I meet a friend from Charleston of the 5th Cavalry SC who, with a small party have been cast off from his regiment and having a spare horse he kindly offered him to me. I then managed to get on very well - by the time however well soaked. We push on without rest - dark comes on and we are near the enemy and yet 15 miles from our lines - rain coming down hard and so dark cannot see my horses head - enemy attack us we kill 1 and capture another and the rest retreat. We are ordered to keep our wagon close up to the troops. Gen’l Beauregard’s manages everything with skill that is a pleasure to see. Each cross path and road as we pass we find he has left a regiment and a piece of artillery until we (the wagons) all pass. After the most terrible night I have ever spent we arrive at Drewrys Bluff, on Saturday morning the 14that daylight, having marched 30 miles without stopping to rest or water. Colquilt’s brigade (old veterans) declare this the hardest march they have ever had. May 14th after resting for 2 hours after our terrible march last night Capt Frost ________ Bellinger and self determine to go to the front and see how matters look. We obtain a fine position at Fort Hoke situated on a hill about 50 or 75 feet high. We have fallen back from our first lines and now occupy our second line at Fort Hoke. I have a most magnificent view of everything going on in the open plain beneath us. We see distinctly our skirmishers engaged with the Yankees. It was truly a beautiful and grand sight to a new issue like myself to watch the skirmishers as they advanced and fell back and see and hear each crack of the rifle - balls however come unpleasantly near and many are wounded within the lines near where we stand. We commence shelling the woods occupied by the enemies skirmishers - after remaining a couple of hours we return to the rear and will take breakfast, hard bread and bacon in front of a house occupied by Gen’l B (Beauregard) as hdqrs. The Yankees commence shelling and soon force us all to leave those regions as shells drop all around us. Beauregard himself compelled to leave his hdqrs. We go back a mile with our wagons and ________ a small shantie where we are all glad to spend the day and night - it raining all the time - heavy skirmishing going on all day. May 15th today I have been to Richmond for the first time - go to Gen’l Ransom’s Hdqs. The Commissary Gen’l and other officers visit the capital and see the President’s house - am delighted with Richmond a beautiful town. While there, have an opportunity of writing home and sending by a friend. All railroads are cut, have not received above from anyone since I left Richmond. Returned to Drewrys Bluff in the afternoon - find all quiet save heavy skirmishing. President Davis rode past going to the front to see Beauregard - still raining.
May 16th we awoke the morning by the deafening roar of cannon and musketry and soon learned the battle has commenced. I immediately hasten to the front and find we have charged the enemy and have recaptured our first lines and are driving back the Yankees. All looking anxiously for Gen’l Whiting who’s to come up at 9 o’clock with 10,000 men in the rear of the enemy - meet numbers of my acquaintances wounded - battle still going on - we completely victorious 10, 11, 12, 2 o’clock and yet no Gen’l Whiting - am afraid we have lost a glorious chance of bagging the whole Yankee army. I now advance to our first lines and see all along the road our dead and wounded - discover to my horror the body of poor Bill Dotterer who had come through with me on the night of the 14th from Petersburg. Learned that Lt Taft is mortally wounded, Lt Bomar killed, recognized an old school mate, Kellers killed. I witness some of the most awful wounds imaginable - see hundreds of wounded Yankees. I endeavor to find the brigade surgeon to get his approval for the whiskey which we wish loaded in Richmond. Find him at the hospital in the field - while there saw a pile of arms and legs amputated and actually see a stream of blood rolling down the hill on the side of which is our brigade hospital. Our poor Jimmy Fellows is being operated on without chloroform and he cannot stand it, his cries can be heard a quarter mile. Some 10 or 12 Yankees are lying under a brush shed waiting for attendance, their moans and shrieks are terrible - I leave the hospital with great relief, my heart sickens at what I have seen today. May 17th we are ordered to load our wagons and follow the brigade. Draw rations at Drewrys Bluff where I first make the acquaintance of Maj Logan, Sgts’s Wallace and Adams. I ride ahead of the wagons and ride over the battlefield - see 22 dead horses in one spot - see hundreds of dead Yankees and see a spot where 500 have been buried by our troops. Our men strip the Yankees naked before burying them. Read many letters - I pull up and actually blush to think a woman could write such disgraceful letters as I read. We encamp that night at "Humphrey’s House” which had been occupied three nights before by beast Butler as hdqrs - everything in the house totally destroyed, furniture smashed up, clothing torn to pieces. May 18th we are now permanently fixed on the turnpike and encamped just on the side of the road and for the first time pitch our tent. Our brigade is placed in Hokes Division - have a pleasant time, draw rations every two days from Maj Lyon who is acting Commissary for Beauregard’s army __________ B Hdqrs to see Maj Mallory & Ned Roach where I got an abundance of Mint Julep and ice. Very much pleasant visit with Maj Lyon and his clerks - getting anxious to hear from home - railroads still cut. May 22 our wagons which had to come by road from Wilmington arrived today and we are now comfortably fixed. Have our wall tent and my valise - our cook also arrived and we have one more decent camp. May 23rd we move to the (Burnt Mill) near Bermuda Hundreds - Maj Hay gave me his horse Zinc to ride. May 24th our mail has arrived - I received 6 letters from my wife and others from my friends - felt once more happy and contented. Mail arrives every day and each day I receive 2 or 3 letters from my wife. May 27thfourth anniversary of my engagement. Capt Clyburn arrives and brings me a long letter from my dear wife and a beautiful tobacco bag from Ellie. May 28th visit Petersburg to see about a desk, fail to get it while in Petersburg. May 12th(out of order in orig.) Capt Frost, Sgt Holland and myself paid each $17.00 for supper and bed. May 30 visit Petersburg again and obtain the desk – return to camp and find letter from home - just as I am about to retire to bed orders come for the division to go to Lee’s Army. I ride over to Chester to draw rations for the brigade - round up Wallace and draw them. We spend a half hour drinking Mint Juleps - I reach camp at 3 o’clock in the morning - we start at 4 o’clock, my horse being lame I am compelled to ride in the wagons. June 1st we arrive in Richmond at 12 o’clock, remain there 2 hours - I call to see Mrs. Roman, spend a pleasant half hour - she promises to write my wife of my joining Lee’ Army. We start off at 2 o’clock - the dust is intolerably choking, can scarcely see - arrive at Mechanicsville, pass on toward Gaines Mill, encamp near there in the woods. June 2 go to Gaines Mill where I see Gen’l Lee, President Davis and Gen’l Bragg. We are ordered back near Mechanicsville on the Chickahominy. June 3rd enemy attack us fiercely and driven back 7 times - Yankees lose great near 10,000 - the cannonading the loudest I ever heard - we are ordered to the _______ on Smith Farm where we encamp - have opportunity of seeing much of the country - delighted with it - the scenery the most beautiful I have ever seen - I pass over the ground past over by Sheridan’s Raiders and see numbers of dead horses.
June 13 we are ordered in the direction of Malvern Hill, after going some distance we encamp at Frazier Farm. June 15 we receive orders to join our brigade at Drewrys Bluff which has crossed, as Grant is reported crossing. Maj Hay and self agree to go up to Richmond and take the turnpike carrying with us wagons loaded with rations - the other officers cross over at Drewrys Bluff - while passing through Richmond call to see Mrs. Roman, not at home - while encamped at the ___________ Smiths I visited Richmond and spent the day there and eat ice cream at $3.00 a glass - one of the finest restaurants I have seen since the war commenced, anything can be had for money. Maj Hay and self leave Richmond and take the turnpike for Drewrys Bluff. While on the road and near the Bluff we are met by a courier from Gen’l Hagood ordering us to wait there until the brigade comes up and give them rations, as we were ordered to push on for Petersburg as Grant was then pressing Beauregard hard. The brigade came up in a half hour, when we rationed them and they rested one hour and we again start - at Chester Station the brigade take the cars - being almost broken down with marching. Maj Hay and self with our empty wagons and Lt Mazyck and his ordinance train go on by the turnpike and find the last of the road long and heavy as we have been in the saddle since daylight and nothing to eat - at 8 o’clock we reach my old friend Mrs. Buzzby who kindly gives us (Lt Mazyck and self) a glass of buttermilk and a piece of bread which refresh us wonderfully. At 9 o’clock we arrive within a half mile of Petersburg, where according to orders we are about to camp - Maj Hay has been riding in an ambulance all day as he is sick. Meet Gen’l Hoke who orders me immediately to get rations for two days for our brigade as we will be fighting tomorrow. Go into Petersburg where I find everything in the wildest confusion - the enemy have all our breastworks and can easily shell the city - much gloom - obtain rations and send them to the brigade - returned to our camp about 1 o’clock tired and broken down, throw myself down in the grass and try to sleep but having no blankets and although 15th Junefind it too cold and roam about until I meet a friend who shares his blanket with me. June 16th Capt Hopkins and Palmer also Adj Gelling of the 27th regiment killed by one shell while in the trenches - we are ordered across the river in the city and encamp at Blandford - enemy commence shelling the city - terrible excitement, a woman and child killed. June 17th a portion of Bushrod Johnson’s brigade captured and we heard ________ Yankees have the turnpike between Richmond and Petersburg. Petersburg in great danger - we are shelled out of our camp and move to grove on the outskirts of the city - the best encampment we have had yet. June 18 Lee has cleared the turnpike and is marching to our relief. Last night we captured 1000 Yankees and partly redeemed the disaster of the morning. Longstreet’s Corps is arriving and we are safe - the Weldon RR cut, now comes a weary waiting for letters. June 24 nothing occurred of moment up to this date - the whole of Lee’s Army has arrived and Lee is in command nominally of the whole, although Beauregard still commands his own small army. Today will be remembered as a dark day for Hagood’s brigade - being ordered to charge the enemy works, they do so and not being supported suffered heavily, are compelled to fall back losing about 400 men killed, wounded and captured. Lt Col Nelson of the 7th Batt is either killed or captured - only the 21st and 27th and part of the 11th are in the fight - the 21st is now commanded by 2nd Lt Ford and none of the regiment by a field officer. Our brigade now numbers 1500 men, brought to VA about 3600 men. Ellie Gantt is wounded and just brought in - shot in the head and unserviceable. June 25th Ellie Gantt still alive but no hopes. June 26th poor Ellie Gantt died today, Capt Frost and myself will set up with his body tonight. Gantt was a noble fellow, brave as a lion. June 27thGantt buried today at the 2nd Presbyterian Church had quite a melodious funeral __________ and band. Wilson’s Raiders have been defeated after they had successfully cut the south side & Saltville RR. Wilson’s at Reams Station sustain a great defeat - we recapture all the stolen negro, several hundred and about 1600 prisoners but the Gen’l escaped. June 29th successful flank movement of Mahone, we capture 2000 prisoners - weather extremely hot, no rain in 7 weeks. July 4th expect an attack all day from Grant but there has been none. July 14th nothing new has occurred, weather has been extremely hot, no rain yet - Picket firing and sharpshooting still going on. We lose many daily. Mail communication open today, anxiously looking for letters. July 15, 16, and 17th nothing done but read letters have _______ 27 letters - find all have been well during the long time I have been cut off. July 30 nothing of moment has occurred since my last writing - at last we have had rain and the weather has become cooler - spend my evenings either at Maj Huger’s or Maj Lyon’s quarters playing Whist or we collect in front of Capt Adger’s tent and speak of home - have at dark met another and been to see ________ and he has spent the day with me - on my recent visit the Yankees commenced shelling them and a shell passed over our heads and struck about 20 yards off killing 3 men and wounding several. Today the enemy sprung a mine and blew up Pegram’s battery and a part of Elliott’s brigade. Gen’l Elliott, in leading up his brigade to charge the Yankees, amid the confusion had charged and taken a portion of our works, is severely wounded. Gen’l Mahone comes up with reinforcements and we have a severe fight about 2 o’clock - we charge the Yankees and we take our entire lines and capture about 1000 men with a Gen’l - the negro troops were slaughtered without mercy, we not allowing them to surrender, they huddled together in the pit formed by the explosion and our men deliberately capped down on them and beat out their brains and bayoneted them until worn out with exhaustion. We took the other prisoners, a number however were shot or hung after brought to the rear - this may seem cruel and heartless to those at home but let them come to VA and see the sights we have seen and they will no longer say so. Kill, kill every negro soldier is my motto. This has been a heavy blow to the Yankees our officers say the slaughter was unprecedented - we came near losing Petersburg by the affair but a kind providence protected us and made it prove a great victory. July 31st have resigned with Maj Hay, we cannot agree on certain points, we however are good friends. My application to Gen’l Hagood to be relieved to return to my company he has returned disapproved - am determined to carry through - Maj Hay promises to speak to Gen’l Hagood on the subject. August 2nd Have been busy all day trying to get Billers transferred to the So. Ca. Hospital, succeed late in the afternoon - am feeling badly. August 6th have been sick and confined to my bed with an attack of fever. Am better today - am able to be up. Gen’l Hagood has again pre-emptorially refused to relieve me. I am determined to carry the matter up to Beauregard as soon as I can arrange Maj Hay’s July papers. August 14th have been sick again since the 8th and confined to my bed but up again today - hope now I shall improve - have lost 15 pounds. August 16thHaving finished Maj Hay’s papers I have addressed a communication to Beauregard’s Hdqrs and Maj Hay has approved it and forwarded it - hope to hear from it in a few days. August 17thvisit Beauregard’s Hdqrs am introduced to Col Waddy and Capt Tomlin ADC. Maj Mallory promised to speak to Col Brent AAG and think it very likely my application to Beauregard will be granted. Also promises if possible to get me a furlough - Maj Mallory brings out some very fine liquor and we take two drinks before separating. Spent quite a pleasant afternoon - raining hard, wrap myself up in a India rubber and ride back to camp reaching there at dark - a little damp but not wet thanks to my India rubber. August 19 Yankee make a demonstration on the Weldon Road, we attacking them and capture about 3 or 4000 prisoners with a Brig General the enemy still hold the road. August 20th the enemy are fortifying on the Weldon RR and have a large force. We are making preparation to drive them off in the morning. Our brigade will be in the battle. August 21st Again Hagood’s brigade has to mourn the loss of many a noble fellow. The battle for the Weldon Road took place this morning, we meet with but little success - Brig Gen’l Saunders of Ala was killed - our brigade is ordered to charge and doing so suddenly find ourselves flanked by batteries on both sides while in this position they are ordered to surrender by a Yankee Adj Gen’l - while Col Gaillard is talking, Hagood comes and up rights the flag which the AAG has taken and shoots him, mounts his horse and tells his brigade to follow him - they start to retreat and the enemy open all their battery. Gen’l Hagood and Col Gaillard and about 200 men escape - Hagood and the brigade are complimented by Lee and Beauregard Capt Maloney our AAG is killed - Lt Martin ADC is wounded and numbers of regimental officers killed and captured - our entire loss was 417 - L M Phillips and Alfred Gray of the 25th regiment were both killed - the enemy still hold the road and we have gained nothing by the fight. August 22nd there has been no fighting today. Lee’s Army is returning from Deep Bottom and I hope we will now clear the Weldon Road. August 23rd no fighting today - I visit hdqrs, Gen’l Beauregard’s - find that Gen’l Hagood has withheld my application to Gen’l Beauregard to be relieved from duty and it has never reached Hdqrs - it is a piece of high handed authority but I have no remedy. August 24th I make application through my Capt to the Secy of War and think I can show Brig Gen’l Hagood he cannot have everything he wishes - I will have a dreary time waiting to hear as it will be 4 weeks at least before his application from So Ca can reach me - our mails come regularly by the Danville roads. August 25th Lt Gen’l A P Hill with four brigades infantry & Hampton’s Cavalry engage the enemy at Ream’s Station and after a fight of 2 hours capture their breastworks with 2000 prisoners. Many stands of colors and 9 pieces of artillery. Quite a brilliant affair - the North Carolinian’s distinguish themselves by their bravery - we have driven the enemy from that portion of road but they still hold about 8 miles of the road. August 28th nothing has occurred since the 25th we hold our portion at Ream’s Station but have made no further avenue.
September 2nd We received orders last night to move to Dunlop’s Farm, Swift Creek to rest and recuperate the brigade - we are delightfully fixed at this place (Dunlops) and the Gen’l and all the staff are all together once more. We are camped in a beautiful grove and have brigade dress parade every afternoon. Some prospect of my being relieved from duty with Maj Hay, as he has directed ________ Westendorff of the 27th regiment to fill my place and expect to get the Gen’l to relieve me. If not however, I will only wait until my application to the Sec of War returns. September 4th visit Petersburg today but too late for Church - go to Maj Lyon’s quarters, spend a pleasant time - am introduced to Col Barbour who has lately been exchanged at Charleston - am much interested in his description of affairs north - on the way back hear unpleasant rumors regarding Atlanta - dispatch from Macon looks badly. Fear Atlanta has been captured - return to camp _______ _________. September 5th we learn today positively that Atlanta has fallen, this is a heavy blow to us, coming at a most inopportune moment when the prospect of peace seemed so bright - I am afraid _______ war for 4 years more - received letter from Charleston my application to the Secy’s office has been forwarded and is doubtless on its way here now - hope in two weeks to be free. September 15th Our brigade received orders and march once more to the front, suppose to go to the Vaughan Road - we still remain at Dunlops will move in a day or two. September 18 our brigade returned today to Dunlops. September 19 Hampton has returned from a successful ride around the Yankee lines bringing of 2500 head of cattle. September 21st Our brigade reviewed this afternoon by Maj Gen’l Hoke. September 25th I forward an application for a 21 day furlough. Hagood has approved it and I trust I will get it. Our division reviewed today by Gen’l Lee. September 28th Our division go to the trenches and we encamp at the Fairgrounds. September 29th Our division ordered away no chance of furlough now - suppose we go to the Valley. September 30 Yesterday afternoon while on our way to Deep Bottom my furlow arrives approved and I turn back and walk to Petersburg and today have arranged my transportation. Great uneasiness felt in the city. It is believed the city is about to be evacuated.” End of Diary.
After enjoying a much needed rest, McGee, leaving his diary and First National Flag in Charleston, rejoined the Palmetto Guard now in service on the North Carolina coast at Fort Fisher. McGee fought through the Carolina campaign remaining until the bitter end. When all hope was gone the brigade burned their flags rather than let them fall into enemy hands. With McGee’s flag and diary was a note to his wife, written on the back of a pass from Charlotte, North Carolina headquarters. "Dear wife I am well and hearty – I am walking and will be home tomorrow afternoon between 4 and 5 o’clock Love to all – Yours Hall McGee. I send this by A Stuart.” The flag is in very good condition. It has several period repairs, which can be seen in the photos, but no modern restoration whatsoever. I had this flag on consignment previously and explained to the consignor, that it is hard to sell a flag that is not framed, as the average collector doesn’t know how to go about having it done. Eventyally, when it did not sell, I purchase the flag and had it properly framed by Heritage Conservation, Josh Phillips, which is the best in the business. And I am still able to sell it for less that it was offered at before. Great flag, Great history. $30,000.00 Price $29,800.00 USD
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