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Old South Military Antiques

CS & Star Artillery Short Sword
Item #: OS-8001

This 24 ¾ inch Confederate Short Sword was modeled after the Roman warrior’s sword of ancient times and more recently the artillery swords of the Napoleonic War era. In fact, I have seen war time billing invoices that actually refer to these short swords as "Roman Swords.”

This pattern is commonly referred to as a CS & Star because of the crudely cast CS in the cross guard and star in the pommel.

In the Napoleonic era of warfare, cavalry was used to assault batteries of cannon because of its ability to rush upon them between their firings. During the era, short swords similar to the one shown here were issued to foot artillery soldiers, for the express purpose of using them as they dropped to their knees, cutting the horses’ legs out from under the enemy’s charging cavalry.

While this may have occurred during the War Between the States, the invention of rifled cannon had made these short quick dashes obsolete, just as the Minnie rifle had made the bayonet charge obsolete (though it took three blood soaked years to recognize it). The forward march of progress had relegated the foot artillery sword to the service of clearing fields of fire and beating recalcitrant swine into submission. However! As a symbol of the pure brutality and close quarters nature of the War Between the States era combat, these short swords have few equals.

The short sword shown here is a good example of these weapons. The sword’s hilt has just enough play to "click” when twisted. The blade is in very good condition, it is smooth from hilt to point but for two small places where the surface has pocked from carbon staining and there are a few nicks, that can be better felt, than seen. The blade’s tip is totally original and has not been repointed, and the blade has not been cleaned.

The blade still has a beautiful, untouched natural patina. (as does the entire sword) When cast, this sword’s hilt had two of the characteristic and desirable casting flaws that were filled with lead at the factory. The two lead fillings remain very evident.

Price $3,100.00 USD